
14 Weeks!!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along: 14 weeks!!

Size of baby Avey: Navel Orange (4.5 in., 2 to 3 oz.)

Gender: ?? - 1.5 weeks until we HOPEFULLY find out! (as long as baby cooperates)

Maternity clothes: None yet! Dresses are my best friend right now.

Movement: None yet...I can't wait for this

Sleep: Still sleeping great! Getting up to go to the bathroom about once a night but other than that I am sleeping really well.

Symptoms: Nothing too bad...a few growing pains but nothing to complain about!

Cravings: Still oranges and orange juice

Best moment this week: Just getting to see my belly grow! It seems to be growing so quickly!

This is Nathan and I's last Christmas as just us....I will admit I was a little teary eyed the other day thinking about this. I wasn't sad by any means but I had never really thought about next year and the new traditions we will be making with our little family of 3! Nathan and I are making this Christmas a very special one together since they will never be the same! (I hear they will be better!!)

I know I have been promising to catch up on some posts and I will hopefully get to do that this weekend! Its been crazy with the holidays! This Sunday is Christmas so please take some time this weekend to spend with your loved ones and celebrate the REAL meaning of Christmas! We tend to forget about the real meaning and get so focused on gifts and parties. If it weren't for Jesus, we woudn't get to celebrate the way we do!

I hope you all have a very blessed Christmas season!!

The Avey's!

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